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How to access my account / panel

Para acceder a la cuenta personal de los hostings contratados, deberá acceder a la siguiente dirección:


You must click on login and add your credentials (email and password). If you have forgotten your password, click the "forgot your password" button. Once selected, you will receive an email with the steps to follow to add a new password.

Once in your panel, in the central part you will find all the information, visually you will be able to know how many products you have contracted, the domains you have purchased, if you have any pending invoices, open support tickets and your funds. In all sections, you can directly access said sections

Located on the left you will have several tabs with the different sections:

For this we are going to talk about what each one of them is.

The first tab is to access the purchase section, it is called Buy new services. If you go in this section, you will be able to have three sections.

Your personal data will appear first, in the general information. On the first few occasions that you enter the panel, it is recommended that you check that all your details are correct and that they are well registered.

In second place, the billing data appears, it is also important to review the registered data, so that the invoices that are generated have all the correct data.

Third are the preferences, this section is where you allow if you want to receive promotional emails, and in what currency you want transactions to be made.

In the fourth place, credit cards appear, where you can see your credit cards that have been registered to make payments, there is also the option to add a new credit card.

Fifth appears the option to change the password is the place for you to change your password.

Sixthly, verification appears, in this section, you will be able to see if your account is verified, very important to be able to use your account correctly.

In the last place appears personal information, where you must authorize the privacy policy, download data and delete data. If you want to delete the data, it is understood that you will also delete your account. Since your data is necessary for the use of your account.

2. Invoices:

You will be able to access all your invoices.

3. Messages:

All messages related to your account and services will appear. You will be able to read your messages such as when you have activated a service, or have made a purchase.

Returning to the panel at the main entrance, we continue with the tabs on the left, in third place is the domains section. You will be able to view the contracted domains. Within this screen you can click the manage button next to your domain if you select it, the following screen appears:

On this screen you will be able to carry out the task of renewing, you will also be able to manage the DNS. You can click on whois management.

At the bottom, all the necessary information for your domain will appear, with the payment date, renewal date. the payment period and the renewal fee.

Returning to the home page, if the option My services is selected in the side tabs, clicking on accommodation, you will be able to view the contracted hostings.

There you will find the list of your accommodations, you can click on manage.

1. This option redirects to the digiocio panel section, which works with the plesk provider.

2. In Login to webmail, you are redirected to the email section.

Also after these two options you have the option to renew your services.

If you return to the initial screen of your account, in the tabs if you click on support, you can add a support ticket, or view the open tickets.

The affiliate program appears in the next tab: In case you want to be a Digiocio commission agent.

The FAQs appear in the last tab, where you can consult all the frequently asked questions and thus clear up any doubts you may have.

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